

Q1 : What is Kriya Yoga?
A1 : Kriya Yoga is a non-sectarian and scientific meditation technique that paves the fastest way for self-realization. This is a Sanskrit word which can be divided into 2 parts - "Kri" means "Action" and "Ya" means "Self" or "Soul". Through sincere practice of Kriya Yoga one realizes that he or she is not the doer, but the "Soul" is the doer of all activities. Kriya Yoga develops both the spiritual advancement and wellbeing of the practitioners - be it health or socio-economic condition.

Q2 : Why initiation is necessary in Kriya Yoga?
A2 : During initiation, Guru purifies the body of the disciple and activates the dormant "Kundalini Shakti" by touching on his forehead. Without this no advancement is possible in sadhana.

Q3 : How many kinds of Kriya Yoga are there?
A3 : There is only one Kriya Yoga which is re-introduced to the world by Yogiraj Shri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya as taught by His revered Gurudev Shri Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj and it is simply named as "Kriya Yoga".

Q4 : Is Guru necessary in Kriya Yoga?
A4 : Yes, one should be initiated into Kriya Yoga by an enlightened Guru due to the reasons described in question 2 above. Without Guru's blessing no advancement is possible.

Q5 : Why Kriya Yoga is secret?
A5 : The techniques of Kriya Yoga is kept secret as they are very sacred and must not be practiced by reading books. One must be properly initiated by the Guru, else he can harm his own energy system.

Q6 : Is there any restriction in practice of Kriya Yoga?
A6 : There is no restriction in Kriya Yoga practice. Anyone irrespective of their religious belief, caste, creed, nationality, gender or food-habit can practice Kriya Yoga. However a minimum age of 12-14 years is required to understand the importance of this Sadhana and to practice the Kriyas accurately.

Q7 : Is there any time-limit or specific time to practice Kriya Yoga?
A7 : Kriya Yoga is not time bound, as long as one can hold his mind steadily in the "Kutastha", he is in meditative state all the time and no time is wasted. The Kriyavan must practice it with devotion and sincerity as only the quality of meditation matters, not the duration. In general, for better and faster results, the Kriyavan can practice it for minimum twice a day - once in the morning and once in evening.

Q8 : Can people already been initiated elsewhere, be initiated further into Kriya Yoga?
A8 : Yes, anyone initiated elsewhere can get further initiation into Kriya Yoga. Yogiraj Shri Lahiri Mahasaya recommended to include Kriya Yoga practice in addition to one's existing practice to accelerate the development in sadhana.

Q9 : Is Kriya Yoga scientific?
A9 : Yes, Kriya Yoga techniques are 100% scientific. Here no external force is applied during Pranayama or Kumbhaka and the Kriyavan is allowed to increase the duration naturally through practice and higher techniques. The first level of Kriya prepares the body for advance sadhana through "Mudras" and as a result cures various illness or diseases of the body.

Q10 : Is Kriya Yoga a religion or sect?
A10 : No, Kriya Yoga is a non-sectarian meditation technique that is not limited by any religious beliefs. These are scientific techniques that anyone can practice.

Q11 : What is Kutastha?
A11 : "Kutastha" is a Sanskrit word which means "The Unchangeable Base". It is an "unfathomable cave" like subtle place in-between the two eyebrows at the Third-Eye centre or Ajna chakra. One must hold their mind here as long as possible as this is the place of nectar. A Kriyavan must focus steadily on "Kutastha" during his practice to get the true feelings of his practice, else nothing is achieved.

Q12 : Is there any mantra associated with Kriya Yoga?
A12 : A "beej mantra" is given by the Guru to the disciple during initiation and other mantras are there in higher Kriyas.

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